Abdul Haris, Khoirul Anwar, Ari Triono, Umair Abdul Aziz


This research aims to find out about the understanding of liberalism from an Islamic perspective and hermeneutics as a method of interpreting the Koran. Liberalism is an understanding of the freedom that exists in every human being. Liberalism is also a study that discusses the issue of freedom. This free attitude is not only about the issue of belief in God alone, but also includes aspects of the personality, actions and thoughts of every human being. Islam teaches its people to adopt a liberal attitude, in the sense of being liberal in accordance with the teachings in Islam. This is also the case with thoughts, every human being has different thoughts. Liberalism in thought is not taboo as long as it does not violate applicable religious rules. So, this thinking is worthy of application, and even needs to be developed for the sake of progress. This research uses qualitative methods using literature studies to describe liberalism and hermeneutics. To understand contemporary issues, hermeneutics is a method of interpreting the Koran that is appropriate to use in order to understand the messages of the text of the holy verses. This is because hermeneutics views texts not as transcendent realities that are separated from worldly dimensions. On the contrary, hermeneutics views texts as realities that are in direct contact with the social world, which can create a dialectical process between text and context.


Liberalism; Islamic Thought; Hermeneutics

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